1,557 research outputs found

    Stereo Imaging Tactical Helper

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    The Stereo Imaging Tactical Helper (SITH) program displays left and right images in stereo using the display technology made available by the JADIS framework. An overlay of the surface described by the disparity map (generated from the left and right images) allows the map to be compared to the actual images. In addition, an interactive cursor, whose visual depth is controlled by the disparity map, is used to ensure the correlated surface matches the real surface. This enhances the ability of operations personnel to provide quality control for correlation results, as well as to greatly assist developers working on correlation improvements. While its primary purpose is as a quality control tool for inspecting correlation results, SITH is also straightforward for use as a basic stereo image viewe

    Paper Session I-A - Neutral Particle Beam Overview

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    The goal of the Neutral Particle Beam (NPB) technology program is to develop a multimission directed energy weapon (DEW) system which can function as an effective component in a Strategic Defense System. The NPB has the capability to be used as both a weapon and discriminator platform. It can kill missiles and reentry vehicles in the boost, post-boost, and mid-course portion of an ICBM trajectory as well as discriminated objects during the midcourse phase. Objects from those boosters and buses not engaged in the boost and post boost phase would be engaged once the reentry vehicles and decoys have been deployed, i.e. during the midcourse phase of the trajectory. The NPB can be used to provide a passive, active, and interactive discrimination capability against these targets. Passive discrimination is accomplished by viewing visible, ultraviolet (UV) and/or infrared (IR) emissions from targets and decoys using on-board acquisition sensors. Active discrimination is accomplished by illuminating targets and decoys with a laser tracker on-board the NPB; while Interactive discrimination is accomplished by illuminating the target with the NPB which results in the emission of X-rays and neutrons which are proportional to the mass of the target. These emitted particles are measured by a free flying detector to determine the mass of the objects. During the discrimination process target state vectors (position and velocity) can be determined which can be handed over to space-based or ground-based interceptors. All the sensors are on the same platform. This reduces data processing since sensor-to-sensor correlation is not required

    The Antarctic Circumpolar Current and the oceanic heat and freshwater budgets

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    Hydrographic sections that span the Antarctic Circumpolar Current are used to estimate the zonal heat and freshwater transports south of Africa, New Zealand and America. These in tum are used to calculate the exchanges of heat and freshwater between the three major oceans...

    Fine- and microstructure observations at Fieberling Guyot : R/V New Horizon cruise report

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    This report describes fine- and microstructure profile data taken on a cruise to Fieberling Guyot, a seamount in the northeast subtropical Pacific Ocean. The work performed at sea, instruments used, data return and processing procedures will be summarized here. This cruise took place between March 4 and March 28, 1991 on the R/V New Horizon. and was part of the interdisciplinary Accelerated Research Initiative (ARI) for Abrupt Topography sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. An overall goal of the ARI was to understand the physical, biological, and geological processes occurring near a seamount. The scientific objective of the Seamount Mixing Cruise was to collect data describing the oceanic fine-scale velocity and density fields, as well as the related turbulence and mixing in the vicinity of the seamount. The High Resolution Profiler (HRP) was deployed 95 times above and around the seamount. As well, two test dives were conducted on the way to the site, and eight deployments completed in deep basdins off the southern California coast before returning to port. The near-synoptic surveys of the seamount were completed with the deployment of 128 Expendable Current Profilers (XCP's). The temperature field of the upper 760 meters of water within a 50 kilometer radius of the seamount was mapped using 144 Expendable Bathythermographs (XBT's).Funding was provided by the Office of Naval Research through Grant No. NOOOI4-89-J-1073

    Marsviewer 2008

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    Marsviewer 2008 is designed for quality control, browsing, and operational and science analysis of images and derived image products returned by spacecraft. This program allows all derived products (reduced data records, or RDRs) associated with each original image (experiment data record, or EDR) to be viewed in various ways, including in stereo, depending on the type of image

    Internal waves in the Arctic : influence of ice concentration, ice roughness, and surface layer stratification

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Geophysical Union, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (2018): 5571-5586, doi:10.1029/2018JC014096.The Arctic ice cover influences the generation, propagation, and dissipation of internal waves, which in turn may affect vertical mixing in the ocean interior. The Arctic internal wavefield and its relationship to the ice cover is investigated using observations from Iceā€Tethered Profilers with Velocity and Seaglider sampling during the 2014 Marginal Ice Zone experiment in the Canada Basin. Ice roughness, ice concentration, and wind forcing all influenced the daily to seasonal changes in the internal wavefield. Three different ice concentration thresholds appeared to determine the evolution of internal wave spectral energy levels: (1) the initial decrease from 100% ice concentration after which dissipation during the surface reflection was inferred to increase, (2) the transition to 70ā€“80% ice concentration when the local generation of internal waves increased, and (3) the transition to open water that was associated with largerā€amplitude internal waves. Ice roughness influenced internal wave properties for ice concentrations greater than approximately 70ā€“80%: smoother ice was associated with reduced local internal wave generation. Richardson numbers were rarely supercritical, consistent with weak vertical mixing under all ice concentrations. On decadal timescales, smoother ice may counteract the effects of lower ice concentration on the internal wavefield complicating future predictions of internal wave activity and vertical mixing.Seagliders Grant Number: N00014ā€12ā€10180; Deployment and subsequent analysis efforts of the ITPā€Vs Grant Numbers: N00014ā€12ā€10799, N00014ā€12ā€10140; Joint Ocean Ice Studies cruise; Beaufort Gyre Observing System2019-02-1

    Ekman veering, internal waves, and turbulence observed under Arctic sea ice

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Meteorological Society, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (2014): 1306ā€“1328, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-12-0191.1.The iceā€“ocean system is investigated on inertial to monthly time scales using winter 2009ā€“10 observations from the first ice-tethered profiler (ITP) equipped with a velocity sensor (ITP-V). Fluctuations in surface winds, ice velocity, and ocean velocity at 7-m depth were correlated. Observed ocean velocity was primarily directed to the right of the ice velocity and spiraled clockwise while decaying with depth through the mixed layer. Inertial and tidal motions of the ice and in the underlying ocean were observed throughout the record. Just below the iceā€“ocean interface, direct estimates of the turbulent vertical heat, salt, and momentum fluxes and the turbulent dissipation rate were obtained. Periods of elevated internal wave activity were associated with changes to the turbulent heat and salt fluxes as well as stratification primarily within the mixed layer. Turbulent heat and salt fluxes were correlated particularly when the mixed layer was closest to the freezing temperature. Momentum flux is adequately related to velocity shear using a constant iceā€“ocean drag coefficient, mixing length based on the planetary and geometric scales, or Rossby similarity theory. Ekman viscosity described velocity shear over the mixed layer. The iceā€“ocean drag coefficient was elevated for certain directions of the iceā€“ocean shear, implying an ice topography that was characterized by linear ridges. Mixing length was best estimated using the wavenumber of the beginning of the inertial subrange or a variable drag coefficient. Analyses of this and future ITP-V datasets will advance understanding of iceā€“ocean interactions and their parameterizations in numerical models.Support for this study and the overall ITP program was provided by the National Science Foundation and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Support for S. Cole was partially though the Postdoctoral Scholar Program at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, with funding provided by the Devonshire Foundation.2014-11-0

    An analysis of Atlantic water in the Arctic Ocean using the Arctic subpolar gyre state estimate and observations

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    Ā© The Author(s), 2021. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Grabon, J. S., Toole, J. M., Nguyen, A. T., & Krishfield, R. A. An analysis of Atlantic water in the Arctic Ocean using the Arctic subpolar gyre state estimate and observations. Progress in Oceanography, 198, (2021): 102685, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102685.The Atlantic Water (AW) Layer in the Arctic Subpolar gyre sTate Estimate Release 1 (ASTE R1), a data-constrained, regional, medium-resolution coupled ocean-sea ice model, is analyzed for the period 2004ā€“2017 in combination with available hydrographic data. The study, focusing on AW defined as the waters between two bounding isopycnals, examines the time-average, mean seasonal cycle and interannual variability of AW Layer properties and circulation. A surge of AW, marked by rapid increases in mean AW Layer potential temperature and AW Layer thickness, begins two years into the state estimate and traverses the Arctic Ocean along boundary current pathways at a speed of 1ā€“2 cm/s. The surge also alters AW circulation, including a reversal in flow direction along the Lomonosov Ridge, resulting in a new quasi-steady AW circulation from 2010 through the end of the state estimate period. The time-mean AW circulation during this latter time period indicates that a significant amount of AW spreads over the Lomonosov Ridge rather than directly returning along the ridge to Fram Strait. A three-layer depiction of the time-averaged ASTE R1 overturning circulation within the Arctic Ocean reveals that more AW is converted to colder, fresher Surface Layer water than is transformed to Deep and Bottom Water (1.2 Sv vs. 0.4 Sv). ASTE R1 also exhibits an increase in the volume of AW over the study period at a rate of 1.4 Sv, with near compensating decrease in Deep and Bottom Water volume. Observed AW properties compared to ASTE R1 output reveal increasing misfit during the simulated period with the ASTE R1 AW Layer generally being warmer and thicker than in observations.This work is based on the dissertation of the lead author submitted in partial requirement of a M.S. degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint Program in Oceanography. The lead authorā€™s participation was funded by the United States Navyā€™s Civilian Institution (CIVINS) Program. The contributions to this study by the junior authors were supported by the National Science Foundation (JMT and RAK grant PLR-1603660; ATN grant NSF-OPP-1603903)

    Evolution of the eddy field in the Arctic Ocean's Canada Basin, 2005ā€“2015

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Geophysical Union, 2016. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 43 (2016): 8106ā€“8114, doi:10.1002/2016GL069671.The eddy field across the Arctic Ocean's Canada Basin is analyzed using Ice-Tethered Profiler (ITP) and moored measurements of temperature, salinity, and velocity spanning 2005 to 2015. ITPs encountered 243 eddies, 98% of which were anticyclones, with approximately 70% of these having anomalously cold cores. The spatially and temporally varying eddy field is analyzed accounting for sampling biases in the unevenly distributed ITP data and caveats in detection methods. The highest concentration of eddies was found in the western and southern portions of the basin, close to topographic margins and boundaries of the Beaufort Gyre. The number of lower halocline eddies approximately doubled from 2005ā€“2012 to 2013ā€“2014. The increased eddy density suggests more active baroclinic instability of the Beaufort Gyre that releases available potential energy to balance the wind energy input; this may stabilize the Gyre spin-up and associated freshwater increase.National Science Foundation Division of Polar Programs Grant Number: 13500462017-02-0

    Enhanced diapycnal diffusivity in intrusive regions of the Drake Passage

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Meteorological Society, 2016. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 46 (2016): 1309-1321, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-15-0068.1.Direct measurements of oceanic turbulent parameters were taken upstream of and across Drake Passage, in the region of the Subantarctic and Polar Fronts. Values of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate Īµ estimated by microstructure are up to two orders of magnitude lower than previously published estimates in the upper 1000 m. Turbulence levels in Drake Passage are systematically higher than values upstream, regardless of season. The dissipation of thermal variance Ļ‡ is enhanced at middepth throughout the surveys, with the highest values found in northern Drake Passage, where water mass variability is the most pronounced. Using the density ratio, evidence for double-diffusive instability is presented. Subject to double-diffusive physics, the estimates of diffusivity using the Osbornā€“Cox method are larger than ensemble statistics based on Īµ and the buoyancy frequency.This work was supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation.2016-10-0
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